Winter 2024 Newsletter


Welcome to AIO's Winter newsletter! The winter months are among the most beautiful time to be in Maine. The crisp air, falling snow, and the silver seas combine to make our corner of the planet so unique. Of course, winter in Maine is not without its challenges. For some of us, these challenges are mere inconveniences. For others, Maine winters present challenges that may sometimes seem impossible. With your help and support, AIO makes the impossible possible.

Each year, we ask you to support our Year-End Annual Appeal with a financial donation. This year-end campaign is our most crucial appeal, raising nearly 50% of our annual budget. Once again, our community has answered the challenge with over $450,000 raised. Equally as impressive is that we have received donations from more than 700 individuals, including 127 first-time donors and 454 consecutive-year donors.

As we plunge into the depths of another Maine winter, we are putting your money to work immediately, providing food each week for more than 300 families, sending over 500 weekend meal packages for kids home from elementary schools throughout Knox County, and issuing $300 energy assistance vouchers to offset the high cost of heating homes.

Food drives such as Fill The Strand provide food and financial resources at the most critical time of the year and engage our community to work together to offset the effects of food insecurity. Your participation and support are crucial, and I can not thank you enough for all you do!

As we go through this most uniquely Maine season, please remember AIO is here for you, your neighbors, and your community. If you need a little help, please see us. If you can help a little, please do whatever you can. Together, we'll make our way to spring!

Joe Ryan
Executive Director,
AIO Food & Energy Assistance | 207-213-0383


The weather gods were with us this year for our Fourth Annual Fill The Strand event, which made for a sunny day all around. We were glad to welcome so many friends and community members who stopped by the Strand on Monday, January 15 with food and funds to help us fill the 350 theater seats.

We are thrilled to share that we filled the Strand, more than TWICE with online seat sponsorships and bags of donated food. More than 200 individuals and businesses came together to donate more than $40,000 in financial and food donations, which included more than 1,500 pounds of food. AMAZING! 

Every $25 financial donation we received enables us to purchase about $75 worth of food through our partners, including Good Shepherd Food Bank and wholesale food distributers. The impact of $40,000 is significant – enabling us to purchase and distribute food to the more than 300 families for six weeks! 
AIO’s market-shopping model allows families to come shop at AIO as often as they need and to select the food that suits their family best. As we head into the deep of winter, many families feel additional pressures on their budget with high heating oil and electricity costs. For these families, our food is a lifeline, saving money on groceries that can then be used to pay for other household expenses. For some of our families, that can amount to $500 per month or more. This is significant and meaningful help, and it is only possible thanks to donors like you.
Thank you again to everyone who helped make this event a success. We are beyond grateful. We are looking forward to next year's event already! 
With our first fiscal year quarter behind us, AIO programs are off to a great start as we continue to deliver quality services and meet new families who have discovered the many ways we can help. Most importantly, our growth rate is leveling off, which suggests that we are reaching sustainable growth through our program offerings. Some highlights included:
  • received 3,339 Pantry Market Visits, an increase of 9% over first quarter of last year. We average about 400 families per month who may visit as often as once per week
  • distributed nearly 5,000 diapers through the Diaper Program. During the same period of time we received 3,000 diaper donations
  • provided $81,900 in Energy Assistance, helping 276 households
  • increased enrollment to 490 families and provided 6,521 Weekend Meal Program participation by weekend meal packages to 14 participating schools
  • completed our first-ever program wide client re-enrollment with over 675 families or individuals re-enrolling as active program participants
  • strengthened partnerships with Knox County Homeless Coalition, Mid-Coast School for Technology, Spectrum Generations, Pen Bay Medical Center, and more.
2022/23 Annual Report can be found on our website at
Volunteers have been and continue to be the lifeblood of AIO, in 2023 our more than 200 volunteers provide more than 8,951 hours to supporting AIO’s food pantry market, energy assistance, weekend meals and diaper programs. In this newsletter we want to highlight two of our volunteer stars— Becky and Steve Cobb, who have been volunteering at AIO since June of 2022. In less than two years they have contributed an impressive, combined total of 516 hours at AIO. 
Steve grew up in Mattapoisett, MA and helped his dad lobster in Buzzard’s Bay, later moving to Maine to work in boat building. Becky who is from Knoxville, Tennessee, met Steve while working in Maine one summer.  Steve received an associate degree from U-Mass Amherst, while Becky attended the University of Tennessee and graduated U-Maine, Orono. They have been married for 54 years.
Becky and Steve decided to live in Maine full-time after losing their winter Florida home of 21 years to a freak tornado. There have been many pluses, which include being near their son, daughter and their spouses, and their four teenage grandchildren. After 30 years living in South Thomaston, they now reside in Friendship. 

Before retiring Steve's main profession was as a building contractor. Now he enjoys spending his free time fishing. Becky taught kindergarten for 20 years in Rockland and South Thomaston before retiring; now she dabbles in selling vintage items on eBay.
Needing a purposeful outlet, they signed up to volunteer at AIO. Steve and Becky participated in the Weekend Meals Program for the 22/23 school year and continue to volunteer in the Market on Mondays and Fridays. They share that it’s been a rewarding and challenging experience, opening the door to meeting many dedicated and caring people. Interacting with customers and sharing this rewarding experience as a couple is something they enjoy a great deal. Becky shared that there were times in her childhood that her family relied on local churches or family members for food assistance. She remembers feelings of humiliation and shame as a child and has come to realize now that no shame should ever be attached to the various needs that our fellow community members experience.

We are both grateful and lucky to have Steve and Becky here at AIO and for all they contribute to ensuring AIO is a welcoming place for all.
Warehouse Volunteers
Every Thursday 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
A very active volunteer opportunity! This shift helps to receive large deliveries from Good Shepherd Food Bank, unpack pallets of food, and store on our warehouse shelves. The ability to lift up to 50-pounds is needed. This shift has a great team of volunteers...and this is an opportunity to join the team!
For a full list of volunteer needs, days and times please visit

It takes a team of people to ensure the Market's shelves are stocked and that AIO's client shopping days run smoothly. If you have time and can help please contact Sara Spencer, THANK YOU! 
THANK YOU to everyone who supported our Annual Year-End Fundraising Appeal. Together we met the early bird challenge-- thanks to generous matching gifts-- and not only met, but exceeded our goal. This means that AIO is positioned to continue distributing More Food, More Energy, More Diapers, More Often.

Individuals and families continue to come and shop as often as once a week. We are having an impact on the quality of life for those families who visit regularly and your year-end support has set us up to do the same in the year ahead. 

We've been effective in meeting the needs of the families we serve and we continue to reach many new families. We anticipate greater growth to continue, which means our work is not done, but thanks to your support we are starting the year off strong. 

Great thanks to our Early-Bird Match sponsors who matched $20,000 in donations and helped to support our Year-End Appeal in so many ways!
Join, Connect & Support AIO! 

1. MAKE A FINANCIAL DONATION. Your dollars go further as AIO is able to purchase food at a discounted price. When you make a financial gift you are helping to provide food, energy and diaper assistance to families who need help. You can donate online here

2. VOLUNTEER. Volunteering at AIO is a great way to help people in your community, meet new friends, and be part of one of the most innovative food pantries in Maine. Whichever opportunities you choose, you will be an important part of the work we do.To get started click here. 

3. DROPOFF DONATIONS. There is a wide variety of food, household and personal items that the families we serve need. To learn about our most needed items check here. 
You could also... 
  • Share this newsletter with your friends, family and colleagues.
  • Follow us on social media to stay updated on our activities.
  • Hold a Food or Diaper drive! The majority of the food and diapers we distribute come from donations.
  • Hold a Facebook Fundraiser in honor of your birthday or anniversary.
  • Other Ways to Give- learn more at our website 
Yes! I want to support AIO!
AIO Food and Energy Assistance
Mailing Address:    ​P.O. Box 113, Rockland, ME  04841
Location:  1A Gordon Drive, Rockland, ME 04841      
Phone:    (207) 596-1043 — Email:​​

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Spring 2024 Newsletter


Merry Mannequin Evergreen Extravaganza